Friday, May 3, 2019

Canadian Northern Turbo Train

Canadian Northern Turbo Train.  Fascinating videos of this late-1960s/early-1970s service can be seen on Youtube.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Ramen Review: Nissin Chow Mein Premium Savory Sauce - Chicken Flavor




Chow Mein Premium Savory Sauce


Chicken Flavor


The special sauce packet was velvety, just the unopened packet.  I wanted to pet the packet.  I did pet the packet.   The special sauce packet moved and reacted like the slow-moving fake blue water in one of those plastic encased, two-toned liquid-filled aquarium or water wheel toy games. I ripped the packet open.  There were two sauces in there: a clear oil, and a motor-oil black, thick paste that must have been what gave the sauce packet those impossible physical properties. Minimal flavor aggressiveness. This is a lots of sweet, lots of smooth, not much to argue with here.