Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Ramen Review: Nissin Chow Mein Premium Savory Sauce - Teriyaki Beef Flavor




Chow Mein Premium Savory Sauce


Teriyaki Beef Flavor


Did not disappoint. The premium Savory sauce again was mystifying in its siren-like texture while it was still in the package. SO VELVETY, the package. The tar-like savory sauce substance oozed out onto the cooked noodles, and reminded me of the episode of Star Trek the Next Generation where Lt. Tasha Yar was killed by a black slime ooze puddle with some person-like qualities. 

A picture of Armus, who looks like the contents of the savory sauce packet.
Picture taken from "MadMikesAmerica" blog.  A fun entry summarizing the Star Trek TNG episode "Skin of Evil" and comparing Armus (pictured at right) to BP's actions in the Gulf of Mexico.

That's what it looked like sitting on my noodles, before I mixed it in! And then the oil blob-like puddle was mixed in to the noodles, and I had that premium experience once again. 

GOLF VOICE: (This was Alex's second Nissin brand Chow Mein Premium Savory Sauce noodle bowl).